SNW - Sangoco North West
SNW stands for Sangoco North West
Here you will find, what does SNW stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Sangoco North West? Sangoco North West can be abbreviated as SNW What does SNW stand for? SNW stands for Sangoco North West. What does Sangoco North West mean?Sangoco North West is an expansion of SNW
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Alternative definitions of SNW
- Thandwe, Myanmar
- Snow
- Storage Networking World
- ScubaNorthWest
- ScubaNorthWest
- Sustainable NorthWest
- String Next Word
- Storage Networking World Services
View 22 other definitions of SNW on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SNW Sangoco NW
- SWWS SanWild Wildlife Sanctuary
- SOS Save Our Sisters
- SFLI Seeds For Life International
- SSG Sending Sonder Grense
- SB Setho Botswana
- SRC Shalom Respite Centre
- Social Housing Focus Trust SHiFT
- SHBC Shiselweni Home-Based Care
- SICDT Solulel Isandla Community Development Trust
- SBA Soul Beat Africa
- SABEF South African Black Entrepreneurs Forum
- SABRI South African Brain Research Institute
- SADAG South African Depression and Anxiety Group
- SAIFTS South African Institute For Traumatic Stress
- SAIIA South African Institute of International Affairs
- SANCB South African National Council for the Blind
- SANCA South African National Council on Alcholism and Drug Dependence
- SAOPF South African Older Persons' Forum
- SARCS South African Red Cross Society